- Miles traveled: 468.1
- Miles traveled to date: 1707.6
- States visited today: 3 – South Carolina, Georgia, Florida
- States visited to date: 9
- Tanks of gas pumped to date: 5
- Meltdowns: 7
- Loads of Laundry: 3
Daily recap
Today was another high mileage day with little fanfare along the way. Today was the first day of school book work for the kids, and Kevin put in a full day of work while I drove. It was also the first day we traded in our sneakers for flip-flops for our travel attire. We arrived at Grammy & Grandpa’s rental home in time to enjoy the sunshine, spot some manatees, and enjoy a yummy dinner–before all promptly falling asleep.
- Swimming in the pool

- Night swimming

Planet gazing

Bonus Material
Today was a little light on the photos… so we’ll provide some behind the scenes info today. Hotels.
Our hotel last night was not pre-booked, we drove until everyone was done and I made the reservation about an hour before we landed for the night.
Rayleigh and Dillon shared the big bed (the littles and bigs take turns on the bed/pullout)

- Ainsley and Grayson share a bed.

- Each kid has 2 backpacks in the car–1 has their activities for the car, the other has a stuffie to snuggle in the hotel, a book to read before bed, and their music player to get charged.

- Each night we are ‘on the road’ has an assigned packing cube number, the cubes are color coded. The 6 cubes for that night (4 kids plus mine and Kevin’s) go into a single bag for the night. One suitcase for all the clothes makes unloading the car at the hotel with tired sleepy kids doable.

- Toiletry kits: our individual kits plus another one that has first aid, and OTC meds go into a 2nd suitcase.

Also in that 2nd bag is a zippered pouch with our charging station.

The, also color coded, water bottles get refilled at the hotel before we head to the lobby for breakfast and on out the door for the day.

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