A photo of a large box of books, with the covers of From Russia with Love, The Spy Who Loved Me, Doctor No, and Casino Royale, all by Ian Fleming, and Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson.

32 Days in America, Day 29


  • Miles traveled: 38.1
  • Miles traveled to date: 4815.3
  • States visited today: 1 – Oklahoma
  • States visited to date: 14
  • Tanks of gas pumped to date: 16
  • Meltdowns: 17
  • Loads of Laundry: 24
  • Illness: 5
  • Socks lost or destroyed: 5

Daily recap

Today, we had a low-key day with schoolwork, games, and reading, followed by a trip to a used bookstore where we bought a … few … books, and a trip to an ice cream shop after dinner.


  • Schoolwork
A photo of Rayleigh using a mathematical compass to do math homework.
The kids spent the morning doing schoolwork.
  • Relaxation
A photo of Grayson and Kelsey laying in bed watching a video on Kelsey's phone. Grayson is holding a water bottle near his mouth.
Today was a low-key day. Grayson and Kelsey took a break before dinner to watch something silly on YouTube.
  • Ice cream
A photo of Ainsley, Milo, Dillon, Rayleigh, and Myna posing next to a stone wall in a restaurant. Milo has a paper bag on his head like a hat and Dillon is pretending to climb the wall.
Silliness after ice cream.

And now for your moment of zen…

A photo of Grayson posing in front of a giant statue of Red Hulk, which is three times taller than he is.
Grayson found a buddy at the bookstore.





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